Thursday, May 1, 2008

Explaining the Long Hiatus

We were away for an annual trade show (N attending, S accompanying) and an early dose of spring in Las Vegas and Palm Springs. When we returned we learned of the death of a close friend, exactly our contemporary. In our grief, our attention shifted away from the largely frivolous topics of this blog to the existential questions of life and death and we found ourselves with little inspiration to write.
But the minutiae of life can’t be ignored forever. We have a house to renovate, a garden to tend, meals to cook and eat, friends to visit--and soon we will be glorifying all of the trivial details of our quotidian existence in blog prose once again. Plus, it’s spring, our taxes are filed, and we are ready to carry on.


hex said...

I'm glad you're back. As you say, regardless of our grief, life marches on. And if anything, death teaches us to celebrate our daily existence.

S and N said...

Very true, Hex. Thank you for everything.